Monday, October 15, 2007

I love Zappos.

- Once I ordered shoes from them on a Tuesday night, and they were there Wednesday morning. IT DIDN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE. We spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how they did it, as if it was a magic trick.

- Once I ordered shoes from them, and they sent me an email to let me know my purchase would be delayed because of a train derailment somewhere in Kentucky. They included a link to the CNN story. The shoes were still there the next day.

- Once Jake ordered shoes from them. When asked how he heard about Zappos, he said "from a friend." They emailed to ask what friend, and he told them it was me. That same day I received an email from Zappos customer service thanking me.

Still, nothing beats this one.

The company I work for owns a different e-shoe store. I get a 25% discount there, and I still use Zappos. That's how good they are - they're at least 25% better than the competition.


Anonymous said...

I think your headline should read.."I Love UPS" ;-)

Unknown said...

you should try to make a collection Zappo delivery stories with the last line always being "and they still arrived the next day".

It could have a Chuck Norris vibe to it.