Saturday, November 17, 2007

"I think Mario 2 was like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Many of the original characters who were well liked didn't make an appearance, and more good guys (including a "princess") were added to the main group.

The bad guys completely changed, and, though not necessarily less evil, were taken less seriously (I mean, Hitler/Nazis and King Koopa/Troopas are generally depicted as the ultimate evil in their respective domains. Anything else seems less bad afterwards). It didn't help that the new enemies had quirks out of the norm from typical evildoers of the era.


All in all, neither of them deserves their bad reputation, and I enjoy both from time to time. The problem is that they're stuck in between an amazing predecessor and an awesome successor"

- CH user Skine in the comments on this week's video game column, which is all about Mario Galaxy.

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