Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wow! Look at the amazing foreign Ratatouille posters.

This is what they did for the American one -

You can get great quality versions of the Brazilian, Japanese, and American versions here. That French one was taken by Amir on vacation.


bk said...


This is really sad.

Ana de Almeida said...

in portugal the poster is the same... i mean, i still haven't seen in on the streets, but inside the theathers the image that appears announcing it's coming it's the american one!

Anonymous said...

Not to be too picky, but that's a Chinese-language poster, not Japanese, and it's from either Taiwan or Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese-language version if from Taiwan. If you look at the hi-res version, there is a URL to the Taiwanese distribution company on it, and the domain name ends with ".tw".